Day 4

4th January

Light at the end of the tunnel

I love when i see an email from one of the musical humans in my life.

Will Brawn @modernnativebushcraft sent me this tune about a week ago. Use it when feels right was the message.

Today was extra murky in the brown soup that’s my local beach. Most of the snow in town had melted and washed out the drains who’s knows what we where bobbing about in.

After a while I started to throw about my light, which sort of felt like a symbol of hope the light at the end of the tunnel.

This music came from @modernnativebushcraft my pal Will Brawn . There is a back story I’d like to tell but each time I try to type it I can’t do it justice.

So for now I’ll just leave you to enjoy the music and to know it was created by someone who has been separated from the Ocean having spent a life always by the sea. At first daunting and a massive challenge but landlocked life has taught him so much that he’ll be able to bring back to the ocean when he and is family finally return. #bluemind #mentalhealthmatters @aquatech_imagingsolutions