Day 31

31st January

Sea & Snow

There is no one that plays the piano like this human. Thanks for this nugget you sent last night. @jen_and_pen

“If it ain’t broke don’t fix it”. I thought I always believed in that saying but I now don’t think I do.

I was reading a book, or should I say listening to Matthew McConaughey’s @officiallymcconaughey Greenlights autobiography. It highlighted a bunch of ways that he lives his life. The one that seems to resonate with me at the moment is this concept of when everything is singing you’re in the pocket. You’re in the flow, you’re trimming, and everything around you is just working. These are the times when it’s good to stop and look around. Don’t stop the flow but just see what you might be missing - a different turning, a different perspective, a friend or family member needing help.

A month of Dawn Days comes to an end. I’m definitely going to take a little break but, unlike last time, I can see myself going in regularly once I get my feet under the table with this next 8 week shoot.

There are so many differences to last May. Not only with myself but the time of the day the sun rises, the angles, the weather and the temperature. One of my favourite bits has been all of the random humans I’ve got to know who float around on their own little programme and who have allowed me to capture their moments and listen to their stories. I forget all your names but not your faces - you know who you are if I have missed you out.

@emilydaisygibb @fold_with_makiko @windmillstump @marjorielotfi @barry__jackson @jotennantphotographs @johnduncanfilmmaker @beingconscious1 @kdownie27 @scottishcakequeen @nickpumphreyphoto @warbey @gregwdennis @chrismcclean @christina.force @hun.gabornagy @millystevenson @visitscotland